23.03.2022 Olympus ODMS R7 Free Upgrade | Updates & Patch Notes
Olympus has just released a free upgrade to their Olympus Dictation Management System (ODMS) R7 Windows software for both Dictation and Transcription Module. The update includes a specification change, some bug fixes and more importantly official compatibility with Windows 11 and the latest version of Microsoft Office.
Support Fixes:
- Windows 11 and Windows Server2022 are now both supported.
- ODMS Downloader Tool for Philips DPM recorders has been added to Standalone and Workgroup Launcher.
- Office 2021 is now supported.
- Azure Virtual Desktop is now supported.
Specification changes:
- Playback speed control can now be adjusted in 10% increments.
The adjustment range is as follows;
Slow playback:50% (minimum), 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%
Fast playback:110%, 120%, 130%, 140%, 150%, 160%, 170%, 180%, 190%, 200% (maximum)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the issue that the automatic voice recognition after downloading files may not be registered in the voice recognition queue.
- Fixed the issue that if you start a video conference recording when the cursor is pointing at a file with comments in the list view, that comment will be copied to the next new recording.
- Fixed the issue with the conference recording function that the previously selected microphone or speaker may change since the settings are not memorised in the software.
If you are upgrading from a previous Olympus ODMS R6 Version, please see our upgrade service here:
Olympus ODMS R7 Transcription R6-R7
Olympus ODMS R7 Dictation R6-R7
Or If you need to purchase a new Olympus R7 licence, please see Olympus ODMS R7 products here:
For further guidance and advice with this product, please feel free to call us on 0121 456 7800 or email us at sales@speakit.co.uk
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